Griots Garage Stinky-Be-Gone Odor Neutralizing Bag - 500g (NLA)

Part# 92020

The Griot's Garage Stinky-Be-Gone Bag is a reusable, bamboo activated charcoal bag that provides a non-toxic and odorless way to freshen up your car or home. It absorbs and neutralizes unwanted odors, prevents mold, mildew and bacteria from forming. The Griot's Garage Stinky-Be-Gone Bag does this by absorbing extra moisture. The breathability of the bag makes it easy to use anywhere and the bag can even be reused for up to two years. To reuse, simply put the bag in the sunlight for a couple of hours a month and that will allow all the odors it has absorbed to be released. Keep one in your interior cabin or in your trunk for optimal use.

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